Stevie Archer, an accomplished executive creative director, has climbed the corporate ladder of the male-dominated advertising world. Her rise was fueled by refusing to let her gender define her, embracing herself for who she...
In her small hometown where everyone knows your business, it was a known fact that Suzanne Flowers’ father was an alcoholic. But it wasn’t something she talked about with that many people. Until now. She shares how his addict...
Daisy Simonis witnessed a cultural tragedy that sparked a desire to help those in need. When Covid-19 rocked her London world, she dove into action again. Along the way, she discovered how an introvert like herself can master...
After a gut-wrenching battle with infertility, Michelle Cawley made a decision that would change her life forever. The path she followed led her to transform from a quiet woman to one who is putting herself front and center f...
Known for her outgoing personality, Lisa Parker reveals there is a whole other side to her that she’s kept hidden for decades. She shares how personal ads and notes from the universe contributed to her finally finding joy. Li...
Bronwyn Thornburg sought to make change at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, reinstating one of the buildings as the spiritual structure it originally was for the purposes of non-denominational activity. She sh...
Jenny Lang is back to talk about what it was like to live her dream of taking her family wherever the wind took them on their 48-foot catamaran. Their life aboard wasn’t always easy but it was filled with experiences …
Stephanie Sumner, our host, shares her own story of being a Quiet Woman and how it led her to start this podcast. Parental pressures, motherhood, a pandemic, cultural division and looking inward all play starring roles as wel...
Jenny Lang took her husband and two children on a six-year adventure cruising the world in their sailboat. She shares her story of commitment and the more than a decade of hard work and sacrifice to make this dream come …